Thursday, December 31, 2009

All About Jesse

So my husband was feeling bad because every blog we look at is all about there husbands and he says that he feels left out. so this is a blog just for you Jesse!!!

these are the top 10 things Jesse loves
10. watching Sci Fi and Superhero movies.
9. Going off roading in his jeep, well pretending to go off roading, since there is no good place in cedar
8. Going to ZHE and shooting zombies! he loves to play games on his Xbox
7. Playing Settlers with Tad and Sarah, even if he never wins
6. going shooting, which he is super excited about since he is getting a shot gun soon!
5.Playing with Roxy, even getting bitten by her. he loves that dog!
4.Eating candy, gandolfos sandwiches, and mountain dew. i swear these are what he lives on.
3. Being with his family, its been hard being away from them these past 2 years, but we have so much fun with them when we get to see them.
2. doing anything that involves me and him together. we love our date nights, or even just watching a movie on the couch.
1. last but not least I am jesse's most favorite thing!!!
 ME Jesse loves me so much and i love him just as much back!!

Ok so jesse you better be happy now this post was all about you!
oh and ps. me and jesse have been together 4 years i can't believe its been that long.

and Christmas pics and post will be up soon.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

no peeking sarah or paisley!

So i know its not Christmas yet, and Sarah or Chelsea will probably see this and ruin the suprise but i really wanted to post pictures of the dress i just made Paisley for Christmas, its a twinner dress with Ila's, (but its better made) no worried chelsea im making Ila a new one! i finally figured out my pattern! well here are the pics.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

2010 here we come!

I can't believe christmas is a week away! this year has gone by so fast! i dont know if im ready for it to be over! here are some things that we have accomplished this past year.
1. I started my last year of nursing school
2. Jesse got a new job as manager of Gandolfos (Thanks Tad!)
3. we moved into a house (thanks mom and dad, best landlords ever!)
4. we got a cute but very naughty puppy, Roxy we love you!
5. I turned 22! and had a great night with my friends playing bingo!
6. I made the deans list for spring semester!
7. We celebrated our 2nd year anniversary, we stayed at an awesome bed and breakfast, went to the zoo and i dropped my phone in the toilet :(
I love you so much Jesse
8. Jesse Turned 24, and learned that he loves to go shooting!
9. I started my last semester of nursing school
10. had some amazing clinicals this semester and learned lots from my preceptor
11. learned that CPR is a lot harder than it looks, and kills your wrist but is worth it when you save someone!
12. had an awesome Halloween in Arizona, I love my nursing class, im really going to miss you all!
13. Learned that Marriage takes work, but when things go right its all worth it.
14. had a great thanksgiving with jesse's family! im so lucky that i got great inlaws and sister in laws! I love you Sarah and Chelsea!
15. I have a new baby niece that im so excited to meet one day! Ila you are adorable!
16. I failed a final, but learned a valuable lesson,  the lord works does answer prayers but they may not be the way you wanted it.
17. I graduated from the Nursing program!!!!!! I have my BSN!!! nursing world watch out here i come!
18. I am studying like a mad man to take my NCLEX, but am so glad that i have this opportuninty to take a reveiw course and help me learn and progress i know that i will pass the first time!
19. I am so greatful for Jesse and helping me through this year, it has truly been a hard and crazy year, but i couldn't of made it through it with out him! love you babe!
20. Im so excited for Christmas!

wow i can't believe this year has gone by so fast, so many things have changed, I graduated college i never thought that this would happen so fast, i dont know feel ready to be a grown up! haha but im so excited for the adventures to come! I can't wait to call my self a Nurse, adn to have a job! It's been 4 years this Christmas since me and jesse started dating, i can't believe its been 4 years, 2 and half being married, our journey has just begun, but im so excited for what's next! Jesse has been working so hard this last year, and i know he doesn't feel like it has paid off, but i can see a huge change in him, he has learned so much adn become an amazing man! He gets to start school this next year and i know how excited he is to start working on his career, he is going to be an amazing buisness man, and im so greatful for him putting me throught school and now i get the chance to help him reach his dreams!

sorry this was a long post and a little random but i can't believe this year is almost over!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Im an official BSN College Graduate!

So yesterday was my official graduation from the SUU nursing department! it was such a great day, my mom, dad and littler sister were able to come down, we were sad we couldn't have jesse's family there but they were there with us in our thoughts. So our Graduation from the nursing department is a little different, its called a Pinning ceremony where we get an official SUU nursing pin, and the director of the nursing department pins us. We had  a few student speakers, the director talk and then a slide show or out last 2 years together. We then had one of our teachers read thank you letters we wrote to our families as we walked across the stage to get our pin, lamps and rose. so yeah it was a great day and I think our pinning went great, (ps we had to plan the whole thing by ourselves, and i must say we did a pretty great job!) so after graduation my family and I went to Benja's a Thai food resturant in St. George, my family was a little nervous they had never had Thai food before but i told them not to worry! haha they ended up loving it, me and jesse told them so! so after that we just hung out in St. George before going home, then me and jesse went to hang out with some of my nursing friends and celebrate the rest of our night! yay i can't believe im done, it feels so weird i dont think it has actually hit yet, that i dont have to go to school next week, Haha. i know i still have one big hurtle left to over come and that is passing my boards but im going to study hard and i know i can do it!

I just want to say thank you to everyone that helped me through these last two years! to all my friends for the support, my Family for loving me and being there for me, for all the people who let me crash at there place for early morning clinicals, and to my husband for being such a loving man, and really being my best friend and encouraging me the whole way through and for being my shoulder to cry on. I love you so much honey and I don't know what I would do with out you!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Graduation Countdown!

So i graduate next friday!!!! yay that is 7 days! in a week from today i will be a college graduate! im so flippin excited! but with that excitement comes overwhelming stress! i have 3 finals next week to worry about and there is one final that if i dont pass i dont graduate, and that is really freaking me out, im also stressing about finding a job, i didn't get into the residency program down here, which is waht i was hoping for, so now i have to start looking at other hospitals up north, we are even considering Idaho, but i really want to stay close to my family, but we will move where the money takes us. so anywho i will be college graduate in a week! and hopefully by the end of January i will have passed my bored and then i will be a real nurse!! yay

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Carving Pumpkins

So i know this is really delayed, but here are the pictures of when me, Jesse and some friends carved pumpkins for Halloween!
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