So Jesse found a job this past week, which is really great, because now i get to have him be with me all the time, and dont have to do the long commuting thing anymore. he is going to be working at the Gandolfos down in Cedar City, so not much of a change from what he was doing this summer, but they are going to pay him pretty well, and hopefully work him alot!
So yeah other than that we are back in our old apartment in cedar, and it is now clean and completley unpacked, yes it only took a year, but i finally made myself unpack the last few boxes that we had. so now everything is in order and our apartment looks alot better. except for the heat! i feel like im going to die! we dont have AC or a swamp cooler in our place so its like living in a sauna! i can't wait for the cold to come back!
Well i dont really have much more to write, but here are some pictures from the last bit of summer we had!
so this is a picture i took while we were in california, i feel that it turned out really well, i love it actually!
me and jesse on the beach in California
Julie, Jesse and my Neice Sariah at the PG Carnival
Sarah and Paisley at the PG Carnival, Paisley loved this ride!
The View from where we ate lunch up in Island Park for Jesse Birthday! it was gorgeous
Me and Jesse and Mesa Falls in Island park
The wicked cool Moose we say at Big Springs. we were so close to it!
The picture of you guys gazing into each others eyes made me throw up a little in my mouth!! Ha Ha! I hope school goes well and good luck to Jess on getting more hours.
Amie! I love you guys.
Next time I go to California with you. Deal?!
Call me, lets run or something. :D
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