Thursday, January 28, 2010

Cruise Pictures!

Day 1, the nigth before in miami and us watching the cruise ship leave! dont worry my mom didn't drink that beer, it was for joke purposes!

the first dinner! the food was so delicious!!
those two cute girls are maddie and sadie! they are like my second sisters! we had so much fun together!

Half Moon Cay
a beautiful private island, i could definantly stay there forever!

Dinner night number 2!

i was forced to do Karaoke but it ended up being really fun!

first formal night! more karaoke afterwards, we all got up and sang! well not my mom and aunt they were to scared to!

St. Thomas, Sapphire beach
So beautiful there were iguanas, ducks, lizards and we went snorkiling which was amazing!

Im in love with all the architecture here, all the buildings are so beautiful i can't wait to go back and take Jesse.

More Karaoke

Grand Turk
We went snorkeling with sting rays! we got to hold and feed them!

Second Formal night
these are all our waiters they were so great!

delicious food! especially the fruit and fruit soups!

Legends Night! way fun!

We met so many new people and they were all so nice!

The Everglades, we went here before the airport! it was cool, smelly but cool.
So there is most of my pictures i hope you all enjoyed!


Hadley Family said...

It looks like you had a blast! Now when we gonna get together for games?

Chelsea Pratt said...

Looks like you had an awesome time! I'm glad it was so much fun.