POO! to YOU *chelsea that is from jesse for you! Jesse has really missed his sister so he had a lot of fun visiting with her and we can't wait till one day we can go visit them in Maryland!
Things that are War Machine Costume
6 years ago
Jesse, Amie and Josie
here is christy getting her IV started on Taryn!
So besides getting my first IV started, school has been just as crazy as ever, i have been voted to be the SNA president! so thats pretty cool, that stands for Student Nursing Association. so i get to do fundraisers and work on getting trips set up. i think it going to be lots of fun.
well last weekend we went up north so that we could see chelsea and andrew, which was really fun, we played lots of settlers! and im proud to say that i definantly won a game! we also went bowling with jesse's friend mark, which was fun. then we had a birthday dinner for jesse's brother ben. but yeah nothing to big has been going on, but i will try to keep you all more updated!